Sunday, 17 February 2013

Blogspiration (16)

Blogspiration is a weekly meme hosted by GrowingUp YA & saz101. The meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers & writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video is posted weekly, on the day of the author's choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation & just a little SOMETHING.

Source: French by Design
So, as you may or may not know, this is the final week of Blogspiration.
Now, obviously, this is a sad moment for me (and everyone, I'm sure) but instead of focusing on that, I'd just like to take this time to thank all of you so much for making it what it has been.
To Kristin and Sarah: you are both brilliant, talented, hard-working ladies and I am SO glad that you decided to team up to host this meme. Every week that I've participated has been one in which I've left inspired, motivated and touched in some way. You can bet that I'll be clicking back to old Blogspiration posts months from now. Thanks to everyone for sharing a bit of inspiration with me! :)
In celebration of the last week of Blogspiration, I wanted to select something important. This particular quote has always spoken to me and hopefully it will to you as well. For what it's worth, I think you're all fantastic people already sharing your brilliance with the world.


  1. AWWW SONIA I think I may have actually teared up a little!!! Blogspiration is a fabulous meme, run by two amazing individuals so I'm really bummed it's coming to an end. It's not permanent though, right? Right??!!! *hyperventilates*
    Sonia, what an amazing quote to share with everyone! Inspiration, originality, and being true to who you are is so important and I think we need more of that in the world, so kudos to you for putting that out there! Fantastic post girlie!! <3 :')

    1. Awww Riya, thank you so much!! <3 I knoooow, so sad that Blogspiration will be coming to an end but hopefully that doesn't mean the inspiration stops :)

  2. Aw! Love this quote, thanks for sharing it with us. It is sad to see it come to an end and that my Sunday mornings won't be of me madly typing and posting Blospiration but I'm just glad I got to apart of itIt was such a great meme and exactly what this community and each other needed to brighten their lives - some positivity and inspiration!

    1. That is so exactly it, Becca! So happy to have been a part of this meme :)

  3. I love this quote, I have it on my bulletin board so it definitely means a lot to me too :)
    I'm so sorry to hear that Blogspiration is coming to an end!! :(
    I hope you have an awesome weekend and thank you for sharing such wonderful inspirations :)

    1. I love the idea of putting inspirational quotes up on a bulletin board, I should definitely explore that! Thank YOU for sharing! :)

  4. Sonia, I... uh... OK, I'm getting all teary. *sobs* *blows nose* *huggles yours face*

    No, really, I seriously am.

    You are beautiful and wonderful, and thank you so much for sharing this, and saying goodbye with us.

    This quote is just... so so SO perfect ♥

    1. SARAH! <3 *tackle hugs you*

      Thank you SO much for letting us be a part of the weekly inspiration :')

  5. Gah, this is so gorgeous. Passion's what prompts chances and adventures and just aargh I want to run around bashing people over the head with this because it's SO TRUE. Or something along those lines but less violent.
    I hope so much that I keep making time for the things that are important to me, that I love, that make me come alive. And it's really... scary at the moment, because I'm in this place where I don't know if what I've studied for for the last four years is actually what I want to do with my life, and I don't know if the dreams I have will ever be anything more than dreams. And it's hard, you know? It's hard to keep remembering this kind of stuff.
    Which is why I'm so glad I've got people in my life who remind me. :-)

    1. But... the violence was the best part! (Kidding, you're the best part.)

      Aww, Alex! *hugs* I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that everything works out. I have COMPLETE confidence that you'll get to where you want to be because you are the BEST kind of person.

  6. This is such an incredibly inspiring and LIFE CHANGING quote- thank you so much for sharing, I don't know if I would ever have seen it otherwise, and now if I really need to know that I need to do my own thing, I have this. You've always posted such inspiring and generally incredible, so thank you for sharing these brilliant things.

    1. I'm so so glad to hear that, Romi! I was actually hesitant about posting it because I thought a lot of people may already know it... but then I figured that even if it was an old one, it's one worth hearing again.

      That means the world to me, thank you SO much! <3

  7. Such a shame that this meme is coming to an end :( I always loved to hop to all the links to see gorgeous quotes like this one.


  8. BEAUTIFUL quote, Sonia. I love it. <3

    It's so sad that the Blogspiration meme is coming to an end! I really loved sharing and looking at all the beautiful quotes/videos everyone shared. Maybe Kristin's blogging break isn't permanent, and then we can all go back to posted gorgeous quotes like these. *sniffle*

    Thanks so much for sharing this!

    1. WE CAN HOPE <3

      Whatever happens, I'm just glad that I had the chance to meet wonderful people like YOU and all share in the wonderful inspiration. Thanks!

  9. I love this quote too!

    And I'm already missing Blogspiration.

  10. Awww! Sonia!! Thank you so much for your kind words. *hugs* I want to thank YOU for always being there and for being part of this AMAZING journey. It's meant so, so much to me!! You won't be the only one flipping back through Blogspiration posts, I can promise you that! LOVE YOU!!!
