Monday, 5 March 2012


Fangirl as defined by Urban Dictionary: A rabid breed of human female who is obsessed with either a fictional character or an actor. Similar to the breed of fanboy. (We don't discriminate.)

So, in other words...


Here in the Land of Awesome AKA The YA Blogosphere, people don't usually give you weird looks when you start squealing and screaming and ALL CAPS-ing your excitement for something to do with...

a book (again.)

In real life, most of my friends have gotten used to it but I still sometimes get the 'please shut up now, we don't care' look when I start to gush about my favourite books or a particular swoony lead I read about. APPARENTLY some people do not break into incoherent gushy rambling when the name 'Etienne St. Clair' is brought up.


I know. I didn't believe it either.

So, yeah. The YA Blogosphere? It's kind of magical to me.

How much is too much though? Is there a limit on how far you can go in your love for Noah Shaw? Are people going to want to throw a shoe at you if you mention Jace's golden locks one more time?

Yes and no.

I think I'm pretty resistant to the 'OMG HIS EYES ARE BLUE LIKE THE SKY, HOW UNIQUE!!!!!' Twitter updates when people are reading a book, just like I don't think I've ever been annoyed that someone was constantly talking about their favourite series (how hypocritical would that be for like HP? LOL). Enthusiasm in general is usually pretty appreciated and well-received in the YA community, I find.

In a review, the only thing that I ever really sigh over is too much time spent summarizing the events of the book. I want feelings and thoughts and opinions, not a revised retelling of what happens. If there's a bit of that, great! Just not for the whole thing, please, or it becomes kind of pointless. The other extreme is kind of just no reviewing and a whole lot of squealing over the protagonist's sparkly boyfriend. That's totally cool with me. If you are hopelessly in love with Sir Curly Hair, I want to hear about it! Actually, reading how infatuated you are with a character/plot device/ending/setting/etc. is probably just going to get me MOAAAARRR excited to read the book so I say go for it.

You can expect me, at least, to be loudly daydreaming about a certain Jem Carstairs for a looong time to come.

Feel free to join me.

What are your thoughts on fangirling? What do you like to shout your love for over the rooftops?


  1. Oh my. Etienne. Jace. Jem .
    SO much love. <3 <3 <3 <3

    1. Hahaha, I can totally see your eyes just skipping to all the boys' names <3 Those are the important parts anyways, right? ;) LOL. Thanks!

  2. Oh, fangirling. Something I do quite often. My friends as well have gotten used to my gushings about books. They happen all too often. I think it's great to be super enthusiastic about a book, or character. Books are meant to be loved! If that love involves squealing and roof-top shouting than all the better!
    Great post!

    1. I like how you put that! I mean, that's really what reading is about for me. I hope that I'm finding books to love otherwise why would I want to do it? YAY BOOK LURRRRRRVE <3

  3. All I can say is . . . LOL. >_<

  4. Heeheee at Urban Dictionary definition. But OMG. I know, right? How can any living being not fall to the ground in or jump so high they chop their head off from the ceiling fan when Etienne St. Clair is mentioned? Or Noah Shaw. Or Adrian Ivashkov. Or... ANY YA BOY?!

    I'm a total online-fangirl, with the SQUEEEE and the caps lock and the excess of exclamation marks. In real life I am... quieter haha. But I still talk WAY too much about books and book boys and.... nobody CARES. WHY DON'T THEY GODDAMN CARE?! *CRIES* YA blogosphere is my sanctuary. People understand me *group hug*

    I think I have a habit of often saying too much about the plot in my review, which people can find in the damn synopsis anyway haha. I need to work on that.

    Also, it's 1:55am and you're making me giggly with the likes of Sir Curly Hair :D

    1. I know, I thought that was pretty awesome :P It's the first thing that came up when I searched fangirl. Dude, I don't know O_O What a sad, dark life.

      That's a reaaaally good point :P Yeah, I'm not as loud IRL either but on the Internet, I reserve the right to scream (all caps) like a maniac. AWW, GROUP HUG <333

      What? Noooo. No no no. Don't you dare change a word of any of your reviews, I love them all so much. I think your reviews are pretty long in general so the ratio of plot to feelings is fine.

      Sir Curly Hair *sigh* Now there's a guy...

  5. I'm totally with you! I'm a huge fangirl and I'm not at all ashamed of it. I love the blogging community because there is ALWAYS someone to fangirl with...and fangirl over. Great post! :D

    1. WOOT WOOT, high five! <3 You guys are so encouraging of this fangirling habit... we like feed off each other's excitement and get even MORE pumped. Thank you!

  6. I am a fangirl. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe. I mean, I can't not be, not when Cassie Clare is forever posting these unidentified snippets on her tumblr and I die inside trying to figure out who said them. WILL? JEM? I MUST KNOW! I NEEEEEED TO KNOW. The YA boys have taken over my life. In real life, I am reasonably shy. On the interwebz, I am a "YOU MUST READ THIS AWESOMENESS, IT HAS A HOT GUY IN IT" kind of girl. And it makes me sad when people don't like reading :(. Very sad. Lots of people I know in the real world think reading is...boring o_O. I tell them they crush my heart when they say such things, but they laugh because they are used to my crazy love of YA.

    Such an awesome post! :)

    1. I have started to avoid those snippets like the plague. I used to read all of them and drive myself crazy waiting for the next book but NO MORE! (We'll see how long it lasts.)

      LOL. YES to reading books for the hot guys. It's actually still kind of jarring to me that people find reading boring. Like, what is wrong with you? O_O This girl just dodged a bullet and jumped off the Eiffel tower, while sprouting her angel wings. HOW IS THIS BORING? *sigh* Oh well. More for us ;)

      Thank you! Such an awesome comment <3

  7. I totally agree with your fan girl-ing,just maybe not as much for Jem as your but none the less i am still a fangirl
    granted you are the one who got me started :)

    - kiryn

    1. Yeah, we all know how you feel about Jem... LOL.

      :') I'm so proud of you. Just think, when we first started out, you didn't even know who ADRIAN IVASHKOV was! Now look at you, blogging and everything. Speaking of which - WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME???? I'm super super super excited to read some of your posts! :D

    2. Thank you :)

      And I thought i did tell you, guess not but my one i have started should be finoshed soon :D

  8. Fangirling is good for the soul. And for other people's souls. I rationalize my talking my mother's ear off as it being good for her soul, and sometimes I really do spark off a genuine interest in her for a book I'm reading. It makes me smile when that happens. And none of my friends like listening to me gush either, so it's always great to have this community of SHAMELESS BOOK OBSESSERS to talk to :)


    1. Right. Absolutely. I am guiding souls in the right direction, that's what my fangirling is accomplishing... Can I use this, Asher?!

      My mom doesn't really read at all but I managed to convince her to read the Harry Potter series (she loved it, duh, she is my mother) and a few others that she enjoyed.

      I'm going to get that made into a badge. "Shameless Book Obsessor."

  9. Hell, I'm a fangirl hands down (ROFLMAO at that Urban Dictionary definition though!). I love that we're able to be crazy people about our boys and our books over the net and not get strange looks. THERE IS JUST SO MANY THINGS TO OSHFUOFHSAO OVER. ARGH.

    Oh Jem Carstairs. <3 Jace. <3 I NEED TO READ ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS FRAMMIT. I need to meet St. Clair. :(

    1. Oh yeaaaaaaaaah! Fangirling is just straight-up awesome and the world needs to admit that YA is where it's at. LOVE <3

      YEAH YOU DO. RIGHT NOW! *frantically shoves copy in your hands and stares at you while you read* LE SIGHHHHH, St. Clair!!

  10. *snort* I read "If you are hopelessly in love with Sir Curly Hair" as "If you are hopelessly in love with St. Clair." Mwahaha!

    Ooooh, great post... and NOW I'm panicking that I spend too much time summarising.. or... XD

    No, seriously, I HEART this. Awesome thoughts, awesome GIFS ,and awesome awesome.
    I fangirl as much as the next girl, but I try not to spend too much time (I hope) on whether someone is sparkly, or pretty, but talk about why they're interesting, or... AH! Brain no worky, but I LOVE this psot, Sonia! <3

  11. Nice post! IRL, my fangirl levels are on the low side... at least until someone brings up a series I love. (0-100 that one)

    Also, I keep waiting for them to body slam each other in the gif, but it's not happening! xD

  12. I very rarely Fangirl. Though I do have a couple characters and series that I get really excited about (Four and the Black Dagger Brotherhood to give a couple of examples. Great post! I LOVE the JD and Turk gif. I just got done watching Scrubs on Netflix so I fangirled a little bit when I saw it.
