Sunday, 3 March 2013

2 Years Later!!!

Two years ago (from yesterday, shhh) I started The Story Queen. I had been following a few other book blogs for a while and frankly, it just looked fun. So I gave it a shot. And while I didn't quite anticipate the amount of work it would be (you're all superheroes) it turned out to be every bit as challenging and rewarding and fulfilling as I could have hoped for. Blogging has taught me so much -- about people, about this industry and about myself. So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for helping me do it! Every minute of this experience has been worthwhile and I hope that I continue to love it for years to come.


Hugs and dessert for everyone! ♥


  1. Happy 2 years to you, Sonia! A great achievement indeed. :)

  2. YAY for 2 years! I hope you keep blogging for many more to come! x

  3. Yeah!! 2 years is a long time to keep going!! Congrats!!

    Angela's Anxious Life

  4. OMG. SONIA. TWO YEARS! Happy blogoversary, my favourite ever pufflehuff <3 It feels like so many bloggers I know are at/have recently reached the 2 year mark. Seems like we all started around the same time. GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE.

    I'm seriously ready to lick the screen, THAT LOOKS DELICIOUS.


  5. Congrats Sonia, that's amazing! I can't wait to see you at an event soon! :)
