Wednesday 4 July 2012

July Page Count Contest

Page Count Contest

Hi everyone! *waves*

Angela over at Reading Angel hosts a page count contest every month and for the first time, I'll be participating! For most of this month (I'll start officially on Friday, right now I'm just training) I'll be... working. Unpaid, at that...  Yay co-op! 

So what does that mean? 8 hour days! But also an hour and a half of bus travel each way which could be a lot of good reading time once I know where I'm going. And while this may seem an odd time to start a reading challenge, I'm hoping that it will bring out some dormant competitive side of myself and that I'll be able to squeeze in some extra pages. After all, I am falling waaaaay behind on my Goodreads 2012 goal (19% behind!!!!).

I guess that I'll update this page as I go along? Unless you would be interested in new posts to update... Let me know if there's a preference!

WEEK ONE (7/1 - 7/5)
Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood - 330 pages
Pilgrims Don't Wear Pink by Stephanie Kate Strohm - 204 pages
Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter - 298 pages
Enchanted by Alethea Kontis - 305 pages

Total Pages Read: 1137
I came in 9th place for Week 1! WOO! 

WEEK TWO (7/6 - 7/12)
Grave Mercy by R.L. LaFevers - 549 pages
Abandon by Meg Cabot - 304 pages
Everneath by Brodi Ashton - 370 pages
Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon - 342 pages

Total Pages Read: 1565
I came in 12th place for Week 2! :)

WEEK THREE (7/13 - 7/19)
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare - 516 pages
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman - 467 pages
Code Name Verity by Rachel Wein - 343 pages

Total Pages Read: 1326


  1. Replies
    1. I loved it too! :D Such a spectacular read.

  2. IT'S OKAY, SONIA -- 19% behind isn't that bad!!! :') *cheers for you enthusiastically* With school and everything, sometimes it's hard to keep up with our epic reading goals. Especially now that you have a job! That's so amazing, Sonia! I've always wanted to do co-op but my mom is against it, even though my strong argument is that it's SUCH good experience!

    (But I just got employed too (ish)! It's at Timmy's, but hey, a job is a job -- and I don't mind it since the place smells so good LOL <3)

    Anyways, good luck with the reading challenge, Sonia! I loved all three of those books (Born Wicked rocked, Pilgrims was SO adorable, and Ally Carter is one of my fave authors!), and can't wait to see what else you squeeze in! I think I prefer blog updates so I can stalk your progress without feeling like I'm over-commenting, but I'll be cheering for you with either LOL :') Have a wonderful day (night?), Sonia! <3

  3. Uncommon Criminals! Did you like it? I adore Ally Carter, I'm in love with all her books :P. Good luck with the challenge! I don't think you're really that behind, you can catch up easily! :D Go for it!

  4. YAY! So glad to see someone else doing the Page Count Contest, its so much fun! Nothing like a little friendly competition to get those numbers up.

    AND WOW. I'd better get reading if I want to catch up to you, I'm a few hundred pages behind. xD

  5. EEEK. Goodreasd challenge! Although I can't really complain, I'm only 5% behind... but still, that's 5% too much for me! Oooh you've been reading Born Wicked (feathers!) and Enchanted! Very curious to see what you think of Enchanted.

    I have GOT to read Heist Society soon. Also, I kinda hate that you were able to read four books in a week. I think I finished.... one? maybe two? last week LOL.


    Good luck on the rest of your reading for the month!

  6. Uh... I've... read, maybe a book a week? Tops? for July... so...e rr... me no want to think about how badly I'm stacking up :P

    But seriously... you're not human.
    This is all ^__^
