Source: Library
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Release Date: January 5, 2010
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 273
Zara and her friends knew they hadn't solved the pixie problem for good. Far from it. The king's needs grow deeper every day he's stuck in captivity, while his control over his people gets weaker. It's made him vulnerable. And now there's a new king in town.Captivate is the sequel to Need, which I liked but wasn't crazy about. I'm happy to report though, that I liked this installment quite a bit more. I'm not sure why that is, really. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood last time around... Whatever the reason, I'm glad I decided to give this book a go.
A turf war is imminent, since the new pixie king, Astley, is moving in quickly. Nick nearly killed him in the woods on day one, but Zara came to his rescue. Astley swears that he and Zara are destined to be together, that he's one of the good guys. Nick isn't buying it, though Zara isn't as sure -- despite herself, she wants to trust the new king. But it's a lot more than her relationship with Nick that is at stake. It's her life -- and his.
Captivate continues the storyline from the last book but also tosses a bunch of exciting new additions into the mix. I loved reading about Valhalla and the intrigue that's currently surrounding that, especially since Norse mythology isn't something I know much about.
Zara is a great character - she's loyal and quite strong but always, always tries to do the right thing. As for the romantic interests... step aside, Nick! You're alright, just a little too alpha male for me. Astley on the other hand? Swoon. I can't see wait to see where the love triangle goes next!
The only problem I had with the characters was Devyn, who really annoyed me in this book. Last time, I liked him well enough (especially with Issie - cutest pair ever!) but he just came off as way too arrogant this time around. That's a minor issue though.
With exciting developments to an already interesting concept, Captivate makes for a great sequel.
Cover Comments: I have no idea why anyone would be crying gold, glittery tears but it looks pretty so whatever. Also, I have this problem where I can't dislike sparkly things so obviously I like this. I'm not shallow. Just... appreciative... of shiny objects... that's all.
3.5 stars
I've yet to start this series, but I like the sound of it. Glad you enjoyed this one more than the first, despite the annoying Devyn! I'm not a big fan of love triangles so I'll have to see how I find the whole Nick/Astley thing when I eventually read this - thanks for the great review! :)
ReplyDeleteI have read this book. Not a bad series. Great review.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read Need, but I'm glad the sequel managed to entertain you more than the first. I'm especially curious that it includes Norse Mythology. Well, I don't know much about it either, but it's still something that intrigues me haha. Great review, Sonia!
ReplyDeleteZara is still my favorite character and her boyfriend, Nick also became a favorite of mine since his character became more developed in this story. I also just loved this story more than the first. The writing is wonderful and any criticisms I had in the last book vanish with this one. I also love the way each chapter is introduced. The last book, each chapter was introduced by a phobia. This one, it is a sentence or phrase from the "How to Survive a Pixie Attack" the group was putting together.